Everyone appreciates being recognized for their efforts and customers are no different. Tell them you appreciate their business!
What better way to appreciate someone than giving them something they need and want and it combines your business with your customer needs.
Automotive owners have busy lives and may put off maintenance and services that shouldn't be. Every check has a deadline and it motivates them to get it done.
Today's customers are overwhelmed with advertising materials from every source and have become blind to paying attention to them. .
Postcard Mailing Programs
Email Reminder Programs
Display Ads & Social Advertising
Rebate Checks catch their attention enough to get them to stop, focus on what they have received, read it, and determine how they are going to use it.
This gives us a distinct advantage in connecting with your customers and getting them back in the door as well as can be a fantastic way to provide a customer loyalty program without complicated apps, cards, or watching points.
Our business was founded in the automotive industry. For over 10 years we've been bringing customers back into the doors of local repair shops.
Rebate Checks offers you simple implementation, fast results, and a way to monitor exactly how many customers returned from this offer. Everyone loves to open a check and with Rebate Checks your customers eager to see what you send them next.
Looking to connect with customers who haven't been seen in a while? Rebate Checks automotive program is a perfect way to stimulate their visit!
Need a regular customer loyalty program that is easy and fast? Rebate Checks automotive program is perfect for making that customer contact fantastic!
Business slow? Need to trigger some activity to balance your regular slow periods? Rebate Checks automotive program is great for getting business fast!